joi, 11 martie 2010

Alternative Aids To Combat ADHD

We are reminded here of the reasons why alternative therapies for a number of health issues including ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) have been gaining in popularity.
The fact is that even conventional therapies for ADHD are rather hit and miss since health care professionals will themselves admit that the right dosage strength is often a trial and error process.
Research has been able to demonstrate that multiple therapies employed to check ADHD may be more effective than using one or the other.
For instance homeopathic medication for ADHD has often been seen to be a welcome and effective adjunct or even alternative to conventional therapy. This, in particular is true when prescription medications such as Ritalin and Vyvanse have been seen not to work very well.
Not just homeopathy, but other healthful practices such as these below could also help in calming a person down, reducing stress and helping them slow down and attain tranquility:
Nutritional therapy that uses high levels of protein and whole grains to prevent spiking of blood sugar levels can help.
Yoga, meditation and controlled breathing techniques may consciously calm a person and make them more tranquil.
Chiropractic care, acupressure and acupuncture are also seen as being helpful.

What Is Yoga Chi-Gung And Its Principles?

Yoga Chi Gung is, in a sense a product of our times. Drawing from ancient disciplines, this holistic system for good health is able to integrate two diverse systems that grew in complete isolation from each other and brings them together for the edification of today’s practitioners.
Yoga as the modern world knows it is a system of asanas (or positions) and exercises that include meditation techniques to achieve wellness of body and mind, whereas Chi Gung or Qigong as it is also known is known to be a Chinese meditative practice that employs gracefully slow movements and breathing techniques to improve the circulation of Chi or Qi in the body.
Yoga Chi Gung also draws from other wellness systems or disciplines such as Awareness through Movement, Pilates and the Alexander Technique to assist in overall self development. The main principles of Yoga Chi-Gung are:
Using principles of biomechanics, the body is sought to be stretched in the most natural way.
The accent is on extension without tension, and in challenging the body and mind without stressing it. The practice of the system should be according to the individual or person’s own abilities.
Joints such as knees, elbows and hips are soft.
The idea is to stretch only as much as 90% of a person’s capacity, so that there is some reserve at all times.
The important thing is breath awareness rather than breath control. Breathing should be done naturally but with full awareness of it.
It is important to concentrate and be aware of the center (Dantien, Nabi, Hara).
Intelligent sequencing or Vinyasa are used to build intensity of the movements while easing one into the prescribed postures rather than making hard or sudden movements.
The distribution of weight is such that there is a strong foundation of the postures.
The neck and face are to be in a relaxed position.
Since this system of wellness and good health is about working within one’s own abilities, it does not require past experience or learning or even any kind of exceptional flexibility to practice.
Yoga Chi Gung is said to benefit in a number of ways; by improving and enhancing chi as well as blood circulation with the body, by increasing the practitioners suppleness and strength, by improving one’s sense of balance and sense of being centered and increasing one’s range of motions and physical abilities.

Chakras Can Promote Healing

Chakras relate to a form of ancient belief that the body is also an energy portal.
This form of belief holds that a chakra is a place on the body which receives and processes life force energy that we need to survive.
Our bodies are constantly absorbing and using energy from all around us and knowing how to best take care of our chakras will give us a better way of using our bodies.
According to ancient texts, there are over 88,000 chakras in the body. While most of them are too small to be overwhelmingly significant, 40 of them are very powerful and important to the health of the body. When the body is ailing, fixing one of these chakras could help to solve the problem.
Problems arise when the energy of and through the chakra becomes blocked. Methods can be used to help free this energy, from reiki healing to yoga, meditation, and aromatherapy. Using this approach which encompasses the entire body can help to free the chakra and heal anyone suffering.
Everything from physical to mental ailments is connected to the chakras and figuring out which problem is relating to which chakra can be a major advance in healing the problem. After this, taking steps to unblock that chakra can be very healing.

Homeopathy Is No 1 Alternative To Doctors In Europe

While there are many who are frankly skeptical to not downright dismissive of homeopathy in the United States, the discipline appears to have rather more credibility in Europe and other parts of the world. Some of these figures are quite remarkable:
Studies have been able to demonstrate that people who seek homeopathic treatment tend to be considerably more educated than those who don’t.
75% of Europeans know about homeopathy and nearly 30% of the population use homeopathy as part of their own health care.
An estimated 100 million Europeans use homeopathy.
In France 16% of the population used homeopathy in 1982 which has grown to an amazing 62% in the year 2004.
In a pharmacist survey it was found in 2004, as many as 94% advised pregnant women to use homeopathy.
In India 100 million people use only homeopathy as their principle form of medication.
In India as many as 82% of homeopathy users will not choose to switch to conventional medications.
In Germany all medical school curriculum include information about natural medicines by government mandate.
10 % of german doctors specialize in homeopathic medications.

Source : Huffington Post

Eschew Conventional Therapies To Beat Breast Cancer

Many alternative therapists actually hold conventional therapy to be responsible to causing or at any rate exacerbating existing cancers.
Mammograms, which is a common mode of breast cancer detection and which traditional medicine prescribes should be taken periodically, is thought to actually contribute to the problem by alternative practitioners. There are several reasons for this:
Mammograms are performed using the same radiation techniques that x rays use; the same radiation that this thought to cause cancerous cells to grow in the first place.
Mammograms can sometimes yield false positive results; or show the presence of a potentially dangerous tumor that is later revealed by a biopsy not to be so. Unnecessary biopsies could be unnecessarily invasive and could also mean heightened levels of anxiety and stress which could again exacerbate the problem.
Aggressive forms of treatment may not alleviate the problem but rather cause greater pain and suffering.
The holistic view for avoiding breast cancer and keeping its possibility at bay, is to decrease and limit the risk factors which may be psychological, lifestyle related or due to certain medications.
For instance, certain hormone imbalances or one hormone found in excess could be to the detriment of the body and is thought to be responsible for certain cancers originating.
Synthetic hormones in the form of birth control pills and hormone replacement therapies could be examples of the kind of synthetic hormones that could be detrimental to health.
Medications themselves are often toxic to the system and many have so many side effects that they may actually be counterproductive in that more harm than good results from their use.
Lifestyle habits could sometimes be the reason for the cancers occurring. Obesity is known to increase risk as is the intake of certain food that has either been hormonally enhanced or genetically altered. Livestock is routinely treated with growth hormones that ultimately get passed on to the consumer.
Alternative therapists sometimes claim that the single most powerful weapon against breast cancer could be the psychological one.
Overcoming stress, or a long standing or deep-seated psychological trauma and coming to terms with it, may be a large part of combating a physically and mentally debilitating illness.
The very fear and apprehension associated with cancer and cancer sufferers is what can worsen the problem; conversely a positive outlook and self belief can counter it.

Medicinal Mushrooms – What Are Those?

When old bread grows fungus on it, many of us have laughingly said that a bit of penicillin isn’t going to harm us; and chopping off the offending portion we have proceeded to make toast and eat it! Now we hear a lot about medicinal mushrooms and their curative properties that can assist in a lot of different ailments.
Medicinal mushrooms are those mushrooms that are used for medical practice as, or in a number of different palliatives. While in traditional forms of medicine, different varieties of mushrooms have long held pride of place, medical researchers and ethnobotanists have now an increased interest it the curative properties of mushrooms.
In fact the properties that make mushrooms inhibit growth of certain tumors and enhance immunity have fascinated researchers for the past 50 years now.
Enoki, King Oyster mushrooms, and Shiitake are just some of the varieties of mushrooms that are said to have medicinal properties. Chaga mushrooms have long been used in places such as Russia for their therapeutic properties.
In fact it is thought that as many as 200 varieties of mushrooms could have their anti tumor properties, though their direct effect on humans is not fully understood particularly with regard to toxic aspects of certain mushrooms and the dosage in which they should be administered for optimum medical use.
What specific variety will cure what specific ailment is not yet established, however medicinal mushrooms and their possible use in pharmaceuticals is significant for the following reasons:
Apart from penicillin, research with fungi of different kinds has led to the development of pharmaceuticals such as cyclosporin, griseofulvin, cephalosporin, and ergometrine.
Statins, which are a class of drugs that lower cholesterol levels in people, were developed due to research that was done in the field of fungi and mushrooms. Lovastatin, which is one kind of drug from this group of statin drugs, is something that occurs naturally in Oyster mushrooms.
It is also known that mushrooms, when exposed to sunlight are able to produce significant amounts of Vitamin D.
Some types of mushrooms could possibly a source of taxol, which is a mitotic inhibitor used in cancer chemotherapy.
Certain compounds found in medicinal mushrooms are seen to improve the immune system.
Mushrooms have also been seen to help in the production of certain human hormones.
Certain mushrooms are also seen to have anti fungal, anti bacterial and anti viral properties.
