luni, 19 octombrie 2009
12 Wonderful Therapeutic Benefits Of Peppermint Essential Oil!
Peppermint essential oil is extracted from Mentha piperita of the Labiatae family and is also known as balm mint or brandy mint.
This refreshing and cooling peppermint essential oil is used in aromatherapy in order to stimulate your mind, improve the mental ability and to improve your focus, while reducing the redness, cooling the skin, and reducing itchiness and irritation.
This essential oil is also used to ease migraine, sinus, colon, headaches, and chest congestion and also improves your digestive system.
Peppermint essential oil has a fresh, sharp, menthol smell and is clear pale yellow in color and watery in viscosity. There are various health benefits of peppermint essential oil. They include:
1. Proper dental care: Peppermint essential oil has powerful antiseptic properties and is effectively used for dental care. This oil helps to relieve from bad breathe and keeps your teeth and gums free of germs. Peppermint oil is added in most of the tooth pastes. Toothaches are also effectively treated with it.
2. Headaches and nausea: Peppermint essential oil is a wonderful home remedy for headaches and nausea. Apply much diluted portions of peppermint oil on your forehead to get relief from headaches.
3. Indigestion: This oil is very helpful in indigestion. Add few drops of peppermint essential oil in a glass of water and drink it after your meal to get relief from indigestive properties. This oil acts as carminative and helps effectively in removing the gas.
This is a best tonic for those who are suffering with low appetite. Also it helps you in relieving from upset stomach and motion sickness. Peppermint oil along with caraway oil acts as a good remedy for treating heat burn.
4. Stress: Similar to various other essential oils, peppermint essential oil is also proved to give relief from stress, mental exhaustion and depression because of its refreshing nature. Also, this is proved as effective remedy in reducing anxiety and restlessness.
5. Pain relief: External usage of peppermint oil gives you relief from pain. The existence of calcium antagonism in peppermint oil helps in removing the pain. It has wonderful cooling properties and reduces the fever also.
6. Skin care: Menthol in peppermint oil is good for skin care. It has cooling properties that help to nourish your dull skin and improves your oily skin.
7. Respiratory problems: Menthol in this oil helps to clear your respiratory tract. This is an efficient expectorant that gives you instantaneous or temporary relief from various respiratory problems such as sinusitis, nasal congestion, cold, asthma, cough and bronchitis. Due to these effects, this oil is used in various cold rubs. When you rub with this oil on your chest, you will get great relief from nasal and respiratory problems.
8. Irritable bowel syndrome: Peppermint oil has effective muscle relaxing properties that help in treating irritable bowel syndrome.
9. Urinary tract infection: This oil is effectively used to treat urinary tract infection.
10. Hair care: The oil gives cooling effect on your head and helps in removing the dandruff and lice.
11. Immune system: The oil boosts your immunity to various diseases and helps you in alleviating various diseases.
12. Blood circulation: Peppermint oil improves blood circulation.
Korean Hand Therapy To Restore The Bio-Energetic Flow In Your Body!
This therapy uses only hand in order to treat your entire body.
With the use of heat, pins, magnets and pressure, your body’s bio-energetic flow is corrected.
The pins used in this therapy are even smaller when compared to regular acupuncture pins and need a special tool for insertion.
It is not a painful therapy, but it is more sensitive when compared to body acupuncture.
This is a system that can be used for awakening your body to health and wellness through the hands. Korean hand therapy stimulates the specific points on your hands so that you can resolve pain and balance internal organ function.
Korean hand therapy includes reflexology level of treatment and similar concept of foot reflexology. KHT therapy is divided into:
Five Element
Eight Extra Ordinary Points
Special Points Therapy
In Korean hand therapy, the points will be stimulated by using point massage, heat by using tiny heat stimulators, electrical device, tiny tape on metal acupressure pellets and miniature acupuncture needles.
In KHT, greater healing is possible. This is because the entire acupuncture system found on the whole body is also found in miniature on the hands meaning that the healing power of acupuncture principles can be added to the basic Korean hand therapy and hand reflexology.
Korean hand therapy is used for:
Treating the corresponding points at the basic level
Toning or sedating micro-meridians
Diagnosing and treating by using five element system
Birth constitution (This is more advanced level of treatment)
The therapy is effective in treating various diseases like:
Rheumatoid arthritis
But, Korean hand therapy can not treat the conditions that need surgery and also infectious diseases can not be cured by using this hand therapy.
This healing therapy alleviates pain, promotes recovery and lessens the side effects of chemotherapy in cancer patients, relieves nausea so that you can continue receiving the treatment. Korean hand therapy contributes to the protection of your health and also self-diagnosis.
Diagnosis of KHT is divided into corresponding points, three constitutions, Yin and Yang pulse diagnosis, electric beam, biorhythm, and five finger diagnosis. KHT is an extremely effective method of treatment and is easy to practice for yourself.
About 1 In 9 US Kids Use Alternative Medicine
More than one in nine children and teens try those remedies and other nontraditional options, the government said in its first national study of young people’s use of these mostly unproven treatments.
Given that children are generally pretty healthy, the finding that so many use alternative medicine is “pretty amazing,” said one of the study’s authors, Richard Nahin of the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The sweeping study suggests about 2.8 million young people use supplements.
Their parents’ practices played a big role. Kids were five times more likely to use alternative therapies if a parent or other relative did.
The same study showed that more than a third of adults use alternative treatments, roughly the same as in a 2002 survey.
The researchers used a big umbrella in defining alternative medicine: Acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, traditional healing, yoga, Pilates, deep breathing, massage and even dieting were included.
Vitamin and mineral supplements are not considered alternative medicine, nor are prayer or folk medicine practices.
Herbal remedies were the leading type of alternative therapy for both adults and those under 18. Among kids, such therapies were most often given for head or neck pain, colds and anxiety.
Various Alternative Therapies For Infertility
But, on the other hand there are few complementary alternative methods which can help you to improve your chances of getting pregnant very well.
This is an ancient technique used to heal stress and other ailments including infertility through the use of sterilized needles.
Infertility treatment using acupuncture has proved to be beneficial, particularly for those who have various functional disorders in body like irregular ovulation etc. Even it can increase sperm count in men by increasing blood flow and balancing hormones.
Herbal therapy
Herbs are used from centuries to treat various health problems including infertility. Some of the herbs extracted naturally from plants like chasteberry, red clover, liferoot show immense possibilities of fertility. But, seek suggestions from professionals before using herbs.
The main principle of reflexology is that there are certain points in feet that are connected to different organs of our body. When these particular points are stimulated, they in turn stimulate the points linked with problematic points in your body.
Apart from relaxation, reflexology helps in the treatment of infertility and alleviates hormonal imbalances and poly cystic ovarian syndrome in women.
Other than these you can also go for diet changes, regular exercises and stress management techniques to improve chances of fertility.
5 Alternative Remedies For Sinus Infection
If you are vexed using regular medications for painful sinus infection symptoms, here are few alternative remedies.
1.Acupuncture: It is one of the best ways to ease the nasal congestion triggered by sinus infection. Find a better experienced acupuncturist and seek help for sinus infection.
2.Breathing exercises: Even though it takes time to get relief, practicing regular breathing exercises can help you long way to get relief from sinus infection.
3.Hot compresses: Take a clean cloth and soak it in hot boiled water for few minutes and then try to cover your face with the hot wet cloth. This can help you to relieve extreme sinus pressure in face. But, be careful, don’t burn your skin.
4.Drink plenty of fluids: When you drink plenty of fluids, it helps to promote free mucus drainage. You can drink a nice cup of hot tea to clear sinuses. This is one of the best ways to get relief from sinus infection. The hot steam of tea helps you to thin out the mucus and makes your breathing easier.
5.Skip dairy foods: Certain dairy foods like milk and cheese can make sinus congestion much worse. Even some health experts believe that dairy foods like cheese thicken the mucus. So, try to avoid such foods, but be sure to get enough calcium for your body.
Beat Debilitating Tooth Ache With Simple Home Remedies
Before it turns into major problem or before you consider going to your personal doctor, there are few tips that you can try to get better relief from pain.
Here are few of those effective tips.
Use an icepack or cold compress at the site of pain. Ice has excellent numbing properties that can give you better relief from the pain. More often, ice acts as an excellent suppressing source to relieve tooth ache.
Apply clove oil at the site of pain to get immediate relief. Even, cleaning your teeth with clove oil every day can help you to prevent various health problems like bad breath including frequent tooth ache.
If you are experiencing toothache because of presence of abscess at gums, then oats can help you in relieving pain by drawing out the puss. Hold oats for few minutes at the site of abscess to get better relief.
A shot of strong whisky held to the side of tooth pain in mouth for few minutes by swishing around can help to kill pain causing bacteria and also gives you an anesthetic effect.
Although it tastes bad and can leave a burning sensation after application, Oregano oil has excellent antibiotic properties and gives better relief from toothache.
Doctors Coming Around To Alternative Therapies
The research comprised therapies such as acupuncture and chiropractics as well as other forms including meditation or herbal remedies.
CAM was classified in four categories: Energy Medicine, Manipulative and Body-Based Practices, Biologically Based Practices and Mind Body Medicine.
The results confirmed that the more common therapies used in the U.S. were amongst the natural products, physical and breathing exercises, massage, osteopathic or chiropractic manipulation and yoga.
These therapies were used to cure pain in general, including neck and back ache; while in children they were used more particularly for colds, anxiety and hyperactivity disorder.
Doctors and hospital centres are now becoming more responsive to complementary and alternative medicine, where these therapies are used to boost the effect of traditional medicine.
Doctors realise that patients cannot be treated systematically with drug prescriptions, their patient’s global health and eating habits must also be considered as well as any other supplements they may be taking.
There are now many grocery stores that offer dietary supplements and often specialise in health nutrition, for CAM therapies are gaining terrain over traditional remedies and are becoming increasingly popular.
The value of CAM therapies are more generally recognised, and in combination with conventional medicine can boost health and longevity.
The problem lies in the fact that not many insurance companies will accept to reimburse this form of medicine.
Further research in this field must be carried out in order to study the side effects and usefulness of these remedies and integrate them in the health care system.
Anthroposophical Medicine To Harmonize Elements Of Your Spiritual And Physical Self!
This is based on the concept that spiritual awareness is the basis of individual health. Anthroposophical medicine is based on seven principles, such as:
Spirit manifests both in your organism and outside of it in the substances of the nature kingdoms.
Wisdom that is created by nature is also at work within your body.
This therapy preserves the therapeutic freedom in the public and realm.
Every person has an exquisitely guided destiny that involves self-determination with the potential for illness and error in your body.
Various remedies are derived from the matters of plant, animal and mineral kingdom. They are derived homeopathically, alchemically or as whole substance. Remedies can be applied externally or through injection into your body.
This medicinal system considers art as it is a part of the individual life. Beyond anthroposophical medicine, specialized techniques of rhythmical massage, painting, therapeutic eurythmy, music therapy and clay modeling have been developed.
Each treatment helps to improve your life force as an alliance for better health and intensified self-knowledge.
Benefits of anthroposophical medicine:
This practice can be used to treat majority of the health conditions. Particularly, this method is suggested for infections, preventive care, cancer treatment, chronic degenerative diseases and inflammatory conditions like arthritis.
Also, this therapy is suggested for child care. It is helpful to treat child’s conditions like attention deficit hyperactive disorder and other developmental problems.
The therapist will ask you questions about lifestyle, diet and constitution with a stress on your body’s rhythms such as sleeping, menstrual patterns and eating as well.
joi, 15 octombrie 2009
Look Younger With Alternative Anti Aging Remedies!

Hair becoming thinner and grayer, wrinkling on your skin, diminishing elasticity of your skin, etc. are all the natural process of aging.
As you age, there is also a possibility for arthritis, bone loss, loss of memory and weakening of your body immune system.
Do you have any of the symptoms mentioned above? If yes, then below are some tips to slow down the aging process:
Natural supplements:
Adding supplements to your diet gives you multiple benefits. The main reason aging occurs is because of free radicals and they can not be avoided in your daily life, but adding the nutritional compounds to your diet can absorb these free radicals.
Generally these compounds are known as antioxidants. You will find them in green leafy vegetables like spinach.
This is the current range of alternative medicine and it rejuvenates the aging skin.
In this method, wide variety of needle techniques are performed at the strategic locations on your face and body in order to stimulate the circulation of Qi or body’s energy force to your face and neck.
Herbal supplemen
Add herbal supplements to your diet to slow down the aging process.
Evening primrose oil: This oil reduces the pains and aches associated with aging problems.
Rhodiola rosea: Also known as golden root or arctic root is an adaptogenic herb. This herb reduces myocardial catecholamine, stress-induced cardiac damage, and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (CAMP) levels.
It can reduce the production of adrenal catecholamine and avoids heart arrhythmia as well.
9 Things You Should Know About Alternative Medicine

1. What is Alternative Medicine?
Alternative medicine is a variety of techniques that are outside the field of conventional medicine.
These techniques mostly focus on physical, energy and herbal remedies [Home herbal remedies].
These remedies attempt to be as natural and cost-effective as possible in order to compete with conventional medicines that often have a variety of side effects and enormous costs.
Alternative medicine usually follows one of two principles:
1. The body must be allowed to heal itself naturally.
2. The body needs to have a life force balance periodically restored.
2. Patients come first
As opposed to conventional medicine, in which the doctor decides the treatments, natural medicine is patient-first.
The idea is that patients should have a choice over the treatments that they receive and the doctors should recommend treatments. Luckily, many conventional health care centers are switching over to patient-centered treatments as well.
3. Heal, don’t harm
Many conventional treatments have an array of devastating side effects. Also, conventional treatments can have complications that can lead to problems that are even worse than the disease including death.
Alternative healers do everything they can to ensure that their treatments are almost 100% safe.
4. Patience is required
Unlike conventional treatments, which are expected to provide patients with quick relief, alternative methods focus on the body’s ability to heal itself, which generally takes longer. Also, alternative healing relies on coaching the patient through healthy life choices.
5. Use natural over synthetic
Treatments should mostly utilize ingredients that are found in nature rather than ingredients that are synthesized in a lab.
6. Improve general health instead of curing one disease
Alternative health is interested in overall health and well being. The idea is that the human body has the natural ability to heal most diseases and that treatments should facilitate this natural ability.
7. Alternative medicine is not a replacement for your doctor
There are some diseases that are genetic. Other diseases have progressed to a point where the human body cannot possibly heal the disease. Patients need to consult with their doctors before relying solely on an alternative health care treatment.
8. Alternative medicine must be researched
Alternative medicine should be researched for several reasons. Firstly, there are a large number of alternative health treatments and patients should be aware of which treatments they are best off putting their money towards. Secondly, some alternative medicine treatments can conflict with other treatments.
Using multiple herbs can lead to an excess of one nutrient or another, causing potential health problems. Thirdly, there are many alternative health practitioners who are bad at their practice.
You should research different alternative health practitioners to see which ones has the best reputation.
9. Not all insurance companies cover alternative health care
Check with your insurance company. Fortunately, most alternative healthcare methods are much cheaper than conventional methods.
Regular And Alternative Medicine Need To Be More Integrated
More people are becoming open minded to these complementary therapies.Based at the University of Colorado Hospital, Dr. Lisa Corbin is the head of Integrative Medicine. She believes that there is a place for the blending of all available medicine to provide people with the best possible care available.
With a more positive attitude towards less conventional options like acupuncture, there will be a higher level of awareness by the general public.
Corbin has evidence to prove what she is saying, patients that have benefited from a combination of both mainstream and more alternative medicine.
Michelle Smith has been battling breast cancer for over five years, she is one of many now having acupuncture sessions as part of her chemotherapy course. It is the only solution to nausea besides taking yet another drug.
Smith states that without these various other treatments, she would not have been able to tolerate her long course of chemotherapy. Obviously the effect of any treatment including traditional ones is different for everyone.
However, at least therapy like massage and herbal remedies can be tried without the possibility of harmful side effects. Michelle Smith swears by her integrated treatment for her cancer and recommends that others try it for themselves.
Dr Corbin suggests that individuals should talk to their own doctor about the different treatments available to them. Once deemed too experimental or voodoo like, medicines of a more unusual nature are increasingly shown to be an essential part of today’s more evolved approach to health.
Ten Percent Of Americans Try Alternative Medicine

Every year over ten percent of all Americans look to alternative Medicine to ease pain and find cures.
A research team from Harvard discovered that people are prepared to use more of their hard earned cash on chiropractors or naturopaths than ordinary healthcare.
In recent years, consumer demand for the various alternatives to the mainstream health care system has grown steadily.
Dr Carl Hammerschlag believes that this is because these, often ancient, treatments offer people hope and he strongly believes that a totally integrated system is what should be offered to the whole population.
Hammerschlag and many others are convinced that most patients would prefer to know every available alternative when being diagnosed and discussing their options.
A massive eighty three percent of individuals that used natural medicine were being prescribed traditional medicine at the same time, although more than seventy percent kept that knowledge to themselves.
The Office of Alternative Medicine was set up well over a decade ago, specifically to look at all the different alternative therapies. The latter covers many areas from nutrition to massage and brings together traditional methods from around the globe.
Increasing doctors are appreciating the benefit of alternative methods to their patients, some even going as far as taking basic courses to learn techniques, in most cases it is good for their business.
Professionals who have been practicing skills like meditation for many years can’t help but be dumfounded by the about turn in opinion.
Suddenly everyone is jumping on the bandwagon and you cannot blame these experienced practitioners for mulling over the irony.
Get A Career In Natural Medicine
Many sectors of natural medicine are specialized to the extent where education can be shortened, allowing natural medicine specialists to begin practice sooner.
Natural medicine practitioners can bring home impressive salaries after building a reputation for providing health services that work.
Natural medicine practitioners find that rest, nutrients, and the release of stress through meditation, yoga, acupuncture and aromatherapy can relieve medical conditions and promote healing and wellness. These practitioners are also critical of the side effects of many drugs commonly prescribed at health clinics. Though natural medicines sometimes have side effects, these are typically less severe and often only occur when natural remedies are used in excess.
Herbalists specialize in the use of herbs for the curing of illnesses and general well being. Though there is no national system of licensing herbalists in America, many herbalists enroll in training programs that award certification such as the Clayton College for Natural Health.
Herbology programs typically teach students about botany, herbal medicine manufacturing, the philosophy of herbalism, and the effects of herbalism on pregnant women and children.
Herbalists must have a great knowledge of the nutritional values of herbs. These herbalists often sell herbs through natural health stores and online pharmacies. There are also many herbal supplements like ginkgo biloba that are sold at well known pharmacy chains.
Herbalists also play a role in consulting others in the use of herbal medicine. Herbalists can be hired to consult patients privately and publish their research in herbalism to magazines and online publications.
Acupuncturists are able to relieve pain and cure ailments by locating pressure points and inserting a needle into the pressure point. Acupuncturists can create their own business or work in a practice with other natural medicine specialists.
Aspiring acupuncturists must be licensed by a school in the state that they are planning on practicing. Acupuncture courses take 2 years or more to complete. There are many studies that report the health benefits of acupuncture.
Reflexologists relieve pain by massaging pressure points on the body. Individuals can find jobs at a reflexologist clinic after attending school and obtaining a certification.
Massage therapy certification is also recommended since both disciplines overlap. Some reflexologists travel to their clients’ home, while other reflexologists work together with other alternative health practitioners. Reflexology certification increases an individual’s chances of finding work at health clinics and nursing homes.
Working at these institutions can build a reflexologist’s credibility. Credible reflexologists will have an easier time marketing themselves if they ever enter into private practice.
Aromatherapists use fragrant substances to improve the health of their patients. Several natural health schools like “Hands on Healing” provide training in aromatherapy.
Aromatherapists give patients dosages of healing substances that are inhaled or applied to the skin. Aromatherapists can create and sell their aromatherapy products or set up clinics where they apply the aromatherapy treatments to their patients.
Aromatherapy is often combined with massage therapy and reflexology, since a patient can benefit more greatly from receiving each of these treatments in one session.
Alternative Health Practitioners Not Keeping Up With Latest Research

The assumption is that any professional running a clinic in their own particular field will be aware of any relevant research carried out.
Furthermore when the information is out there these experts in alternative medicine can understand any implications that are involved for their patients.
In the area of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), two large clinical trials, funded by the United States government have taken place in recent years.
However a survey has recently shown that, alarmingly assumptions should not be made and that often significant findings resulting from detailed studies remain unknown or are not fully comprehended.
This means that over two billion dollars worth of research which has been instigated by the American National Institute of Health has potentially been wasted, with forty percent of a large number of different therapists, including naturopaths and rheumatologists not knowing of their existence.
Of the over fifteen hundred clinicians interviewed for the Archives of Internal Medicine publication many were unable to understand what they had read anyway.
In fact very few of these, amongst others, internists and acupuncturists, felt truly confident enough in their ability to study the data and interpret the final conclusions.
Often the ability to translate research findings into practical matters was based purely on the background of the professional in question.
In other words if they had previous experience of research material etc in a more academic environment, usually specialists like rheumatologists, had a greater understanding of its relevancy.
It is vital that this gap in research data and it’s use in medicine, be it traditional or modern, be sorted out, maybe the NIH need to divert some few dollars towards an awareness campaign for the medical fraternity.
The Many Benefits Of Chlorella

An algae, green in colour and found in water, Chlorella is very nutritional notably because of its chlorophyll content.
The latter is often referred to as the life blood for plants and the difference between what flows in human veins and those of plants is that, one has iron and the other magnesium.
Various scientific research performed around the world have found even more benefits from taking this supplement and it would seem to be the best daily dose you can chose in the market place.
In Japan they discovered that Chlorella was able to reduce the percentage of body fat in both healthy people and those at high risk from stress related diseases.
Furthermore while the supplement was being taken there were positive effects on certain genes.
The use of Chlorella to clear the body of unwanted toxins would help prevent certain thyroid and overall if more citizens had a regular detoxification of their bodies it would lead to a much healthier population in general.
South Korea is where a team produced data showing that Chlorella may successfully used in human cancer.
In essence, this single cell pond plant has the power to ensure that cancer cells can be destroyed on cue. Enhancing the human body’s immune system is another known ability of Chlorella.
Chlorella has a strong influence on different genes, controlling genes is seen as the most likely way to prevent or cure certain diseases. With this powerful agent on their side it gives global scientists a weapon that can really make a difference.
miercuri, 14 octombrie 2009
Medical Marijuana Dispensaries Now Have More Freedom

Until recently Marijuana Dispensaries faced raid by the federal government, then the incoming administration of President Obama declared that if Marijuana is used for medicinal purposes each one of the individual states of America could decide for itself.
Owners, like Michael Lee in Colorado Springs, sell marijuana to citizens who have paperwork from their doctor. There are now thirteen states that have the legislation to permit sufferers of certain disease such as crohn’s, cancer and diabetes who can not get relief otherwise.
There are a wide range of products for the different patients, who would include lawyers, doctors, and teachers. Besides the more obvious balms and tinctures, there are a variety of other ways that Marijuana can be consumed, from fruit drinks and chewy sweets to chewing gum and cheesecake.
Lee is proud to announce that smoking is just not the way anymore and he is always thinking up new delights for his customers. He has a multitude of glass jar, carefully labeled with wonderful names such as chocolate chunk, orange crush and white widow.
However recent changes being put forward by the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment are threatening emporiums like Michael Lees.
Despite the fact that medicinal Marijuana has been approved for nearly a decade in this state, it might soon be deemed against the law to dispense the drug to over 5 people.
Obviously such a change will put the likes of Lee and others’ businesses in great danger. Many of his customers or patients has he prefers to call them will find it harder to get supplies and may have to start growing it themselves.
Learning How Emotions Are Related To Symptoms In Traditional Chinese Medicine
Sadness or even grief, affects the lungs leading to Lung Qi deficiency, leading to fatigue, depression and sometimes weakened immune system.
Worry or excessive over thinking can be caused by mental stresses, common in students and those in intellectual professions. These stresses knot the Qi and affect the spleen and lungs bringing on aching shoulders and breathlessness. Worry may also turn into anxiety or panic attacks.
Anger can include rage, irritability and frustration. In anger the tongue becomes dark red in colour.
Fear affects the kidneys and makes the Qi descend, prolonged fear drains the kidneys. In children it can result in bed wetting and in adults it can turn to anxiety and heart troubles.
Fright or shock leads to breathlessness, heart palpitations and puts undue strain on the kidneys.
Joy, although a positive, joy can affect the heart by slowing down the Qi, in small doses joy is beneficial but over excitment can cause heart dis-harmonies.
Causes Of Disease:
Dietary problems such as over-eating can affect the spleen. Over-eating can be caused by worry or excessive mental work and cause fatigue, digestion problems and diarrhea. Symptoms include stiffness, pale skin and lips, possible bruising and bleeding problems. Poor diet, not eating enough or not eating the correct foods due to modern day diets can be detrimental on the flow of Qi and on the spleen. Not only is it what we eat but when such as late at night,eating in a hurry and eating whilst working can affect the stomach and flow of Qi.
Lung problems can be caused by sadness and grief, affecting the lungs and breathing. Symptoms include frequent colds and flu, asthma, allergies and dry skin conditions. In order to improve the lungs, the immune system needs to be boosted.
Heart problems may occur as a result of depression and loss of vitality. Symptoms include heart palpitations, insomnia, poor long-term memory and other psychological issues.
Treatment of Disease
Most can be treated by a combination of acupuncture and herbal remedies. Acupuncture is commonly effective for heart and kidney problems whereas extras such as exercise will be effective for depression and anxiety problems. Chinese medicine practitioners recognize that an individual’s condition is unique and may need different treatments for different symptoms. An in-depth session with a practitioner will work out a treatment program that can re-balance the emotions and the flow of Qi.
Top 3 Recipes With Natural Herbs For Weight Loss
Can you lose weight with such herbs? Sure, but as with any other diet or weight loss plan, you need to watch what you eat and exercise regularly. Here are three recipes that contain Chinese herbs and were designed specifically for weight loss.
So go ahead, take a walk to your local China Town to get these natural herbs and get started on the new you with a smaller waistline. You may need these weight conversions when ordering herbs in an Asian store: 1 qian equals 5 grams and 1 liang equals 50 grams.
Chinese Weight Loss And Energy Tea
1L (4 cups) Water
10 g (0.35 oz) Chrysanthemum flowers
15 g (0.53 oz) Hawthorn
15 g (0.53 oz) Puli Tea
To Taste Honey
1. In a large pot, bring water to a boil.
2. Add the chrysanthemum flowers and hawthorn and let simmer for 20 minutes.
3. Add the puli tea and stir.
4. Turn off the heat.
5. Pour into individual cups and let the tea cool off for a few minutes.
6. Add honey to taste.
Chinese Herbs For Improved Fitness
1L (4 cups) Water
25 g (0.88 oz) Hawthorn
50 g (1.76 oz) Abalone Seeds
25 g (0.88 oz) Germinated Barley
5 g (0.18 oz) Dried Orange Peel
5 g (0.18 oz) Polygonum Multiflorum
5 g (0.18 oz) Raphanus Semen
1. In a large pot, bring water to a boil.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients and let simmer for 30 minutes.
3. Pour into individual cups and let the tea cool for a few minutes.
Chinese Natural Herbs For Weight Loss
1.5 L (6 cups) Water
25 g (0.88 oz) Hawthorn
10 g (0.35 oz) Liquorice
25 g (0.88 oz) Black Plum
5 g (0.18 oz) Dried Orange Peel
10 g (0.35 oz) Roselle
To Taste Honey
1. In a large pot, bring water to a boil.
2. Add the rest of the ingredients and let simmer for 30 minutes.
3. Pour into individual cups and let the tea cool for a few minutes.
4. Add honey to taste.
Other Chinese Natural Herbs
Feel free to consult with a traditional oriental herbalist during your visit to China Town. He can recommend particular herbal combinations that can help with many diseases or disorders. You should avoid combining herbs without the supervision of a qualified herbalist. Although these herbs are natural, they affect your system and could create an imbalance in your body if used incorrectly.
Ginkgo Biloba and Ginseng are probably some of the better-known Chinese herbs in the Western world. Ginkgo seeds are pounded into pieces and taken to relieve asthma symptoms. Ginseng root is ground and taken for the purposes of improving vitality, treating impotence and relaxing the mind while improving focus and energy. Go ahead and explore what the world of Chinese natural herbs has to offer.
Treating Acne With Chinese Medicine

Millions of people all over the world have seen and felt the effects of acne at one time or other. As if the teenage years weren’t awkward enough, this conditions usually shows itself in the early stages of puberty. The condition affects the sebaceous glands which are responsible for oiling hair follicles. As the oil is produced, dead skin cells are transported to the surface of the skin via the pores which are attached to the hair follicles. Whenever clogging occurs in these follicles, it leads to the pimples associated with acne.
Acne is more than a skin condition, it is a disease, and should be treated as such. Social awkwardness aside, acne can cause scarring that lasts long after the pimples themselves have disappeared, often for a lifetime. It should be noted also that acne doesn’t just occur on the face, but can also affect the chest, shoulders, neck and back. The disease poses no health risks, but the misery it causes is certainly understandable. This is even worst when outbreaks are severe, or lasts well beyond the teen years.
Treating acne has become big business, with teens being the main target of advertisers. In most cases, inflammatory acne is treated with either over the counter or prescription medication. Despite the numerous products on the market, it is not clear just how much the manufacturers of acne treatments understand about the disease. Given that skin types are different, what works for one individual may not work for others.
Keep in mind that any medication, whether prescription or over the counter can have side effects. Some acne creams and soaps have been known to cause excessive dryness and skin irritation.
Chinese Medicine
Some people may be wary of Chinese medicine, and consider it a new age fad. However, Chinese medicine has been practiced for over two thousand years. Unlike the Western medical philosophy, Chinese medicine depends on the study of nature and the body as well as cosmic forces. It has spawned a number of theories which form the basis of all treatments, namely Yin-yang, the Channel system, the six confirmations, the Zang Fu organ hypothesis and the Five Phases among others.
While it is often a last resort in Western cultures, it is still the first source of care in many parts of Asia. The main methods of treatment involve acupuncture, food therapy, massage, physical exercise, breathing exercises, meditation and herbal medicine.
Chinese Acne Treatments
Part of the philosophy of Chinese medicine relates to what causes disease. In the case of acne, it is seen as the force of heat acting on the lungs which in turn affects the skin. It is referred to as ‘fei feng fen ci’ which means ‘lesion of the lung wind.’ The idea is that the lungs are directly linked to the skin, and therefore they are both capable of affecting each other negatively. Factors such as stress, a poor diet, other health conditions, or the increase of Yang energy can lay a role in the increase in heat.
This is a practice of inserting thin needles into the skin for the purpose of relieving pain, or for therapeutic reasons. The aim is to tap into acupuncture points in the body through which energy, the qi, runs. When treating acne with acupuncture, an attempt is made to bring the Yin and Yang back into harmony and to rid the lungs of heat.
As a form of acne treatment, acupuncture has had varying degrees of success. In fact, the best results are achieved when the sufferer also makes lifestyle changes including changing their diet. This is a notable aspect of the Chinese medicinal philosophy. This form of treatment may appeal to patients wary of ingesting medication or applying topical creams that could have side effects.
The Use of Herbs
Many acne patients swear by herbal treatments for the disease. It is important to note that anyone considering this course of treatment should seek the services of a skilled practitioner. Herbs are usually combined to make a formula instead of being given individually. Some of the herbs used in treating acne are seagrass, sileris root, bupleurum, Chinese Wolfberry root bark, pine pollen and honeysuckle flower.
Preparation usually involves boiling the ingredients in an earthenware pot, then straining the contents and drinking the tea while it is still warm. The process usually has to be repeated for a number of days or weeks.
Chinese herbs are said to be free from side effects, however, caution should be exercised when dealing with any unfamiliar treatment. If any digestive complaints or irritations are noticed treatment shouldn’t be continued. Most reports indicate that there are few if any side effects associated with Chinese medicine used in the treatment of acne.
Asian Diet Pyramid

This is another in the growing list of cultural diet pyramids available. Like other traditional diet guides, the Asian Diet Pyramid has physical activity at the base showing the importance of exercise in overall health. Energy foods follow exercise and as can be expected includes rice and rice products, grains and bread. These are included on a daily basis as a part of the traditional Asian meal. The third level of the pyramid includes other foods that should be eaten daily. These are fruits, vegetables and legumes, peas and seeds. The fourth layer has vegetable oils as part of a healthy addition to meals on a daily basis. Fish, shellfish and dairy follow with a note that it is optional whether to consume foods from this group daily. Eggs and poultry should be had weekly, while sweets in moderation can also be included at least once per week. Red meat is at the small tip of the pyramid with the recommendation for its consumption just once per month. Additional recommendations on the Asian Diet Food Pyramid include drinking at least six glasses of water or tea daily, with sake, wine and beer in moderation.
Different Asian cultures have modifications to this pyramid with one of the most well known being the Japanese Food Pyramid.
Acupuncture for Back Pain

Pain management is a crucial element of successfully overcoming illness and chronic discomfort. Acupuncture is a popular choice for many painful conditions, including back pain. This approach offers many benefits, and effectiveness is among the most appealing.
The holistic technique is natural, and there are no medications or harsh side effects. The process uses the body’s natural energy as a means of repair. This helps the patient heal naturally, but it may also have a powerful influence on the patient’s psyche as well.
Benefits of Acupuncture
Pain relief is a glaring benefit of acupuncture, and others are equally as impressive.
• Reduced need for pain medication
• No side effects
• Improved circulation
• Decreased anxiety
• Mental clarity
• Faster recovery
Many people use the approach to treat mental conditions as well. Acupuncture has proved to be effective in helping people overcome addictions, relieve depression, and ease phobias. The connection between the mental and the physical realms is readily apparent in using acupuncture to treat back pain.
Reuters Acupuncture Study
ABC News explores a recent Reuters study that has determined that people with chronic low back pain showed improvement with real and with “fake” acupuncture treatments. The study separated participants into four groups:
• General acupuncture
• Individualized acupuncture treatment
• Pressure points without needles
• Medication and physical therapy without acupuncture
The results are interesting in that the people who received standard medical therapy for chronic back pain did not have as much relief as the other three groups, including the one that used pressure points without penetrating the skin.
The study, as noted by Web MD, makes a strong correlation between acupuncture and lower back pain relief. However, some seem to consider this to reflect negatively on the approach. While the promise for pain relief is real, some are a little disheartened by the fact that a “sham needle procedure” can be as effective as acupuncture.
Acupuncture and Lower Back Pain
The points of the body that acupuncture uses seem to have a strong impact on the individual, even when they are not penetrated with needles. This is exciting news for people who suffer from chronic lower back pain. The discomfort associated with this particular area of the body has a pronounced effect on other bodily systems. For those individuals, any relief is greatly appreciated.
It is important to note that the “sham” approach touched upon the same points of energy used in traditional acupuncture. This can be interpreted as the effectiveness of using the points, even on a shallow level. The body responds to the treatment, and even though no one knows why, there is little reason to forgo the effective approach to pain management.
Anyone who has suffered from significant lower back pain knows how important it is to find effective relief from the intense discomfort. Acupuncture is natural and successful for many patients. Simply taking time to try the approach is the best way to determine whether acupuncture is right for you.
Acupuncture for Weight Loss

Acupuncture for weight loss is an effective approach that can yield excellent results for many people. The weight reduction program should be catered to the individual. An acupuncturist develops the specific system of body points to include as well as the pattern used in the treatment.
Various points on the body correlate to internal body systems. The ear is among the most important points for weight reduction and patients can expect this area to be an integral part of their treatment plan. Other points correlate to the problems that cause weight gain.
Sources of Weight Gain
In order to treat the weight condition properly, it is necessary to determine the source of the problem. Consider some of the possible contributing factors that may lead to extra pounds:
· Pinpoint the stomach system when the individual eats excessively, even after he is full.
· Focus on the mouth for a person who eats compulsively to address the oral fixation.
· Ovary is for women with hormonal imbalances leading to weight problems, and adrenal for men.
· Thyroid addresses slow metabolic rates.
Less obvious body systems can also interfere with a person’s ability to maintain a health weight. Acupuncture for weight loss may include:
· The endocrine system helps relieve water retention as well.
· The spleen helps create hormonal balance and it balances sugar levels in the body.
· The lungs are important for helping people overcome food addiction, including sweets and chocolate.
Anxiety and Weight Loss
Anxiety can be a major barrier for individuals who are tying to lose weight. Diets fail to address the psychological factors that may contribute to obesity. Acupuncture for weight loss often uses the Shemen, a system that alleviates anger, insecurity, frustration, and stress.
An acupuncturist also includes points that alleviate hunger for people who feel the sensation of hunger when their bodies do not actually need nutrition. Appetite suppression is a common intervention in acupuncture. Combined with anti-anxiety methods, the approach is very effective for emotional eaters.
Individualized Treatment
The acupuncturist selects the most important points for the individual. There may be two or more points used in the treatment. Factors that the practitioner may consider include:
· The person’s age
· Eating habits
· Emotional state
· Psychological factors
· Stress levels
· Personality
· Lifestyle
· Types of foods
· Other habits
The practitioner may notice that an individual tends to talk excessively, smokes, and bites her nails. The person seems to have an oral fixation, making the mouth an ideal point to include in the treatment.
A menopausal woman who is under considerable stress can benefit from treatment that focuses on the ovaries, kidneys, spleen, and endocrine system. Shemen would also be of great benefit for this candidate.
Acupuncture for weight loss is best when the acupuncturist creates an individualized plan that addresses the patient’s specific eating problems. With consistency, the approach should alleviate the problem, creating an environment that is conducive to weight loss.
Hyperbaric Medicine
When people are in normal conditions, they experience normobaric pressure that naturally occurs in normal elevations. Some environments create a hyperbaric atmosphere with a great concentration in pressure. In the case of the divers, they experience excess pressure from the air above as well as the water on either side. The pressure increases the deeper the divers go.
Hyperbaric Chambers
A hyperbaric chamber recreates the conditions that the divers experience when they are deep in the water. The pressure is gradually reduced so they can adjust to the new conditions in the environment. The device focuses on alleviating nitrogen in the bloodstream, replacing it with oxygen.
While treating decompression sickness is an important function of the hyperbaric chamber, it can be used to treat some other conditions that occur in normobaric conditions as well. The pressurized air can include pure oxygen or other helpful gases in order to treat some medical conditions.
People who suffer from any of the following conditions can benefit from using hyperbaric chambers:
• Diabetes
• Anemia
• Gangrene
• Mitochondrial dysfunction
• Pervasive developmental disorders
The hyperbaric chamber offers help for people with anemia or diabetes. These medical problems interfere with the body’s ability to absorb oxygen effectively. When cells are deprived of oxygen, they fail to thrive. The chamber delivers oxygen that the blood cells require for proper functioning.
Gangrene is a serious skin problem that derives from a bacterial infection, and in some cases, oxygen can help prevent the spread of the disease.
Mitochondria are energy-producing elements that exist within all cells in the body. They function to convert nutrients into energy. This process requires oxygen and individuals who suffer from mitochondrial dysfunction experience problems with the cells’ ability to create energy, leading to a breakdown in the system. Flooding the cells with rich oxygen can help them function properly.
Some suggest that the approach can be effective in the treatment of autism and related pervasive developmental disorders. There is no scientific data to back the claims, but cases of autism related to mitochondrial dysfunction may benefit from the approach. ABC News explores the subject of oxygen therapy and oxygen.
Hyperbaric Treatments
The intense oxygen therapy is available in a couple different forms. Patients can visit a clinic for a session in the hyperbaric chamber or they can receive treatment in their homes. Portable hyperbaric chambers may be rented or purchased but they carry a hefty price tag.
Kidney Yang Deficiency Symptoms
Headaches are manifestations of health problems somewhere in the body. The problem does not always relate to the specific place in which the pain actually occurs. According to Headaches Due to a Deficiency of Kidney Yang a headache may indicate that there is a kidney yang deficiency. This is especially important to consider if the pain is in the back of the head.
The kidney yang is responsible for controlling metabolic heat. The body’s temperature may be affected with a blocked yang in the kidneys. You may notice cold feet and hands, even in warmer temperatures. The body is unable to regulate its metabolic temperature properly when there is an imbalance in this system. Sweating for no apparent reason may be linked to a yang kidney deficiency as well.
Incontinence is an embarrassing problem that can occur when there is a kidney imbalance. In traditional Chinese medicine, the kidneys are gateways that regulate emissions from the bowels and urethra. Emissions may include urine, sperm, or fecal matter. Loss of libido may be associated with a deficiency.
Bone Problems
It may be surprising to some that a correlation between the bones and the kidneys exist. Problems that may arise from a kidney imbalance include weak knees, back pain, and osteoporosis.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms of kidney yang deficiency include but are not limited to:
• Hair loss
• Premature graying
• Dizziness
• Impotence
• Premature ejaculation
• Irritable bowel syndrome
The tongue is a particularly important part of the body in relation to the kidney yang. The tongue may appear very moist and it may mimic the shape of the teeth after resting against them. It may also appear very light in color and swelling may occur.
Treatment for the imbalance begins with following the Diet Guidelines for Kidney Yang Deficiency to help build the body’s strength. It isn’t necessary to restrict your diet to the specific foods outlined, but it is helpful to make these foods the basis of your eating plan.
It is necessary to avoid certain types of foods when you are treating the condition. Foods that can be troublesome contain dairy and some include raw vegetables. Normally, a salad is a healthy choice but not when you have a yang deficiency in the kidneys.
Herbal supplements may improve the conditions as well. Some herbal ingredients commonly used in the treatment of kidney yang deficiency include but are not restricted to:
• Rehmannia
• Deer Antler
• Morinda Roo
• Vine Morinda
• Cinnamon bark
• Seaweed
• Fennel Seed
• Marshmallow root
It is always a good idea to discuss the condition with a health professional before adopting any supplements, including natural herbs.
How to Practice Walking Meditation
When we think of meditation, we typically imagine a person postured in a sitting position with intense focus. No movement is apparent. In fact, movement may appear to be a disturbance of the meditative process. Walking meditation uses motion and contact with surroundings as a vehicle for trance.
Barefoot Meditative Walking
Those who want to learn how to practice walking meditation may be a little surprised to find that one approach involves going barefoot. This may be a source of stress for some people. Worrying about stepping on a sharp object or an insect can interrupt the meditative flow.
Apprehensions aside, many proponents of meditative walking recommend the barefoot approach. This is because the sensations in feet create a deep connection between the person walking and the earth. The sensory experience engages the mind and body in conjunction with the soil.
Preparing for Barefoot Walking
Preparing for barefoot walking meditation begins with setting a route to follow. Simply examining the paths that you would like to take on a regular basis is an excellent way to become familiar with the process. Practice is very important with this exercise.
Walking barefoot can make some people feel unbalanced but creating effective balance is part of the process. If walking outside is a little overwhelming, begin practicing indoors. It is important to be mindful in the practice and to visualize as you take each step.
Barefoot hiking requires some preparations and it may not be for everyone. However, a well-selected route can offer an excellent opportunity for you to feel one with nature in the meditative process.
Breathing is an important aspect of walking and meditating. When walking outdoors, try to engage in the activity in early morning hours or late in the evening when the air is crisp and clean. Mindful walking with breathing exercises, like barefoot walking, does take practice.
The first step is to become aware of your breathing. Most breaths we take go unnoticed but each is essential in nurturing the body. Walking gives an opportunity to use each step to build an awareness of each breath you take as you move along. Some suggest that it is best to carry a slight smile on your face to improve mood as you walk, breathe and meditate.
Creating a rhythm that combines breaths, steps and words is a great approach in the meditative process. Select a favorite mantra that has deep meaning for you in the pattern. After getting the rhythm in sync, begin visualizing as you move.
Focus during walking meditation should be on breathing, visualization, mantra and movement. As these elements are practiced, awareness of your surroundings heightened. It is as if the walker is aware of nothing and everything all at once.
Busting Diabetes Diet Myths
1. Eating too much sugar contributes to diabetes. This statement is false. While this disease still has some mystery surrounding it, there are some common truths. For example, eating too much sugar does not cause diabetes. Rather, your body cannot properly turn the food you consume into energy in the right way. Your pancreas produces a hormone called insulin which helps the body convert the food you eat into glucose. Glucose is what fuels the body cells. When your pancreas does not make insulin or not enough of it, you can develop diabetes.
2. There are too many guidelines to follow in a diabetes eating plan. This statement is not entirely accurate. While you will have to plan your diet menus, you do have plenty of leeway in regards to what you eat. Each person is different so your food options will depend on the severity of your diabetes, physical fitness level, and the medications you are on. A nutritionist or dietician that specializes in diabetes can help. You will be amazed at the number of foods “allowed” on a diabetes diet.
3. Eating your favorite foods is a thing of the past. Again, you do not have to deprive yourself of your favorite foods for the sake of diabetes. Just change the way you make them. For instance, swap heavy cream and butter for margarine and low fat milk when making fettuccine Alfredo. Fry chicken in the oven using a light olive or canola oil instead of deep fat frying methods. You could even eat your favorite foods only in smaller portions or as a reward for sticking to a healthier diet plan.
4. Carbohydrates should be avoided because they adversely affect blood sugar levels. This statement is true up to a certain point. There are good and bad carbohydrates. The bad carbohydrates do not provide much nutritional value and include refined, processed foods with plenty of fat and sugar content. The good carbohydrates found in healthy diets with plenty of fibrous fruits, whole grains and vegetables are necessary for a stable diabetes diet. These good carbohydrates have the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other nutrients for the best nutrition possible.
5. If you take diabetes medication, you can eat whatever you want because it will take care of your health. The truth is medications are just one of many tools that must be used in conjunction with others to simply maintain your health. You cannot eat junk food while taking your diabetes medication and expect your health to be fine. You must choose a healthy diet along with exercise and your medication in order to maintain or even improve your quality of life. What you eat makes a big difference in your dosage of medications for diabetes.
Having diabetes does not have to be a death knell on how you live your life. With a few lifestyle changes, you can still enjoy life, even cheating every once in a while on your diet. Diabetes myths don’t rule your life – you do.
Essential Nutrients Children May Be Missing from Their Diet
Vitamin E – A Super Antioxidant
Vitamin E is an essential nutrient found lacking in many diet plans these days. You will find them in a number of different fatty foods which is why your kids may not be getting them if you are diligent about serving only low-fat offerings. There are good and bad fats. The foods with monounsaturated fats like nuts, seeds, avocados, salmon, olive oil and dark leafy vegetables contain the good type of fats and therefore are rich in vitamin E.
While you can choose vitamin E fortified foods, it is always best to get this vitamin straight from natural sources. Vitamin E reduces the damage caused by free radicals from the sun, smog, cigarette smoke and other pollutants. A handful of nuts or sunflower seeds can easily fulfill your child’s daily requirements for vitamin E.
Calcium – The Body’s Building Block
Calcium not only promotes bone growth but also contributes to healthy teeth as well. This nutrient obviously can be found in bone but did you know it also floats around the bloodstream too? Calcium is also essential for maintaining normal blood clotting, heart rhythm and even muscle.
Sugary sodas and juice undermine the calcium building blocks found in dairy and other fortified products. A lifetime of calcium deficiency will eventually result in osteoporosis, a disease even males can get. Toddlers need at least 500 milligrams of calcium each day while older teens need as much as 1,500 milligrams. Yogurt, milk, cheese and fortified orange juice are good sources.
Potassium – Strong Heart, Bones and Muscles
Potassium promotes a healthy heart and muscles in addition to strong bones and proper fluid balance in the body. If you want to help prevent heart disease and hypertension in your children as an adult, have them consume foods rich in potassium now. Reduce processed or manufactured food choices and substitute with fresh fruit vegetables, whole grains and dairy. Young kids need about 1,300 milligrams while older teens and young adults need at least 4,700 to 5,000 milligrams to maintain a proper diet rich in potassium.
Fiber – Regulates the Digestive Tract
Many kids suffer from constipation because the highly processed foods they eat do not have sufficient fiber which aids in softening and bulking up stool for easy elimination. Fresh fruits and vegetables along with whole grains can provide plenty of fiber. Fiber not only reduces the chances of developing type II diabetes, it also staves off cholesterol problems and heart disease later in life. Young children need about 80 to 100 milligrams of fiber while older teens and young adults require at least 350 to 425 milligrams.
Magnesium – Important for Overall Body Growth
There are several hundred body functions that rely on magnesium for optimal operation and growth. Magnesium is essential for kids as it helps boost the immune system and energy production in addition to bone health. Nerves, muscle function and heart health all rely on magnesium. Half your child’s magnesium supply is housed within the bones and the other half floats within the blood stream.
Young children need about 80 milligams of magnesium per day while older teens and young adults need 350 to 420 milligrams. Seeds, nuts, dark leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans and low fat dairy all offer excellent options for magnesium.
If you are worried about your children’s intake of essential nutrients like magnesium, fiber, calcium, vitamin E and potassium, talk with their pediatrician or work with a nutritionist to come up with an eating game plan. The best way to ensure that your kids get the nutrients they need is boost intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and dairy while greatly reducing the manufactured or processed foods.
Fatigue Busters for Women

When are you most vulnerable to fatigue? There are a lot of different factors that influence women’s energy, affecting stress levels, sleep, metabolism and more. If you employ some different tips and tricks, you may be able to combat fatigue and even recharge your internal batteries so that you feel revitalized each day with mental alertness even in the late afternoon. And being able to get a good night’s sleep is a good possibility too.
Lighten and Wake Up
While sleeping late may be a good idea on the weekends or your days off, this ritual can actually upset your internal clock, throwing off your circadian rhythms. Your hypothalamus gland helps set your sleep and wake cycles so if you go to bed later and/or sleep late, you body will want to reset itself. It is important to wake up at the same time every day, preferably around sun-up when possible. Bright light will help your hypothalamus gland reset your body to a normal daily routine and beat fatigue.
Reduce Carbohydrates and Increase Protein
Carbohydrates may provide some energy to you initially but they end up slowing you down in the long run. Healthy carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables are quite beneficial. It is the starchy carb-rich foods however that presents a problem. Any flour-based products such as pasta and bread can make you feel sleepy and less alert during the day. Boost protein instead to beat fatigue. Protein is the building block of muscle and therefore, fuels your body. Lean meats, cheese, milk and eggs are just a few of many examples of protein.
Delay Drinking Coffee until the Afternoon
Coffee is a stimulant and has caffeine which hinders adenosine, a chemical which induces sleep in the brain. Early to late afternoon, most people lag mentally and physically because this adenosine is being produced in the brain. Drinking coffee in the early to late afternoon will block this brain chemical long enough for you to get through dinner so you can go to bed on time. Drinking coffee in the morning means the caffeinated effects will wear off long before you really need it.
Reduce Stress
Reducing stress is easier said than done when it comes to busting fatigue in women. While long meditation sessions can help, shorter time-outs throughout the day are more beneficial. Whether it is just a few deep breaths, imagery or simple body stretching exercises, your body will boost endorphins at each mini de-stressing session. Choose a quiet area for your sessions because interruptions are not only a hassle but they will divert your attention away from reducing stress.
Avoid Naps When Possible
Afternoons, particularly an hour or two after lunch, can be quite tiresome. Energy dips and your body craves sleep because it is just a few hours away from bedtime. Instead of indulging in a long nap or even a power nap, take a walk, run an errand, make a phone call or even daydream for a few minutes. Physical or mental activity will brush away the cobwebs so you can function without fatigue until bedtime. You will have to practice this before naps or nodding off are a thing in the past.
While bright lights and activity such as exercise will help you avoid fatigue by day, getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best fatigue busters for women. Do not drink alcohol or caffeine before bed as these can stimulate or depress your brain cells, preventing you from relaxing and preparing yourself for bed. Choose darker, quieter activities such as reading a book or soaking in a hot tub. Avoid bright lights from the television and computer screen.
marți, 13 octombrie 2009
Five Natural Treatments to Control High Blood Pressure
If you have just been diagnosed with hypertension aka high blood pressure and your blood pressure readings have not reached dangerous levels yet, you just might be a candidate for natural high blood pressure treatment. Basically, a natural treatment means that there are no prescribed pharmaceutical medications. It is important though to consult with your doctor to make sure that any natural high blood pressure treatment you follow will not do more harm than good.
Most medical doctors concur that once you start on the road of blood pressure medication, you are typically on it for life. Therefore, if you catch hypertension early, a natural blood pressure treatment, or a combination of them, just might be able to lower your blood pressure readings and avoid prescribed medications. Not only will you obviously save money but your health will improve as well. Natural treatments can take many forms; some are proven methods while others are just now becoming popular and proven to make a difference for many people with hypertension. Here are five natural treatments to control high blood pressure:
1. Lifestyle changes – The first natural treatment for hypertension is one that your doctor will actually prescribe. Change how you live your life! If you smoke, find a way to quit. If you drink, lower your intake and drink only in moderation or not at all. Follow a sensible diet such as the DASH plan which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Incorporate an exercise plan slowly into your daily schedule until it becomes routine.
2. Health supplements and herbs – The Chinese have known for thousands of years that herbs can help cure certain conditions and alleviate others. Today, many people look to garlic, one of the most popular condiments and herbs to help reduce blood pressure. Garlic can be eaten, taken in pill form or even in a powder. This pungent herb helps thin the blood to allow better blood flow and therefore better oxygenation of the organs, which in turn helps lower blood pressure. Hawthorne, fish oil caplets, and Coenzyme Q10 are additional supplements that may also help.
3. Ayurvedic medicine – As a natural high blood pressure treatment, more people are looking to this type of medicine which tailors your treatment based on body type and health, also called a dosha. High blood pressure may manifest itself in different ways so dosha molds a treatment for your specific symptoms. This plan institutes a variety of natural treatments such as yoga breathing exercises as well as a plan of special herbs along with a low-salt and low-fat diet.
4. Managing stress – Hypnotherapy, biofeedback and massage therapy are just a few natural high blood pressure treatment options that help relieve stress and manage it. Some experts believe it is important to balance your entire self, not just the physical symptoms, in order to tackle hypertension. Focusing on mind and body relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation and other relaxation methods can reduce stress and therefore blood pressure.
5. Chinese medicine – Chinese traditionalists believe all treatment should be focused around your core circulation of energy in the body, known as qi or chi. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that when qi is disrupted, hypertension is the result. Incorporating different herbal concoctions and acupuncture are just a few Chinese practices gaining ground as a natural high blood pressure treatment.
Popularity for natural treatments to control high blood pressure is at an all time high, thanks to a sharper focus on health as well as the high cost of hypertension medications. When you decide to try a natural high blood pressure treatment, always consult with your doctor. If you are currently taking medications for other health conditions, you could have certain allergic reactions to some types of herbs or the herbs could negatively magnify the potency of the medication. Being well-informed is important so that you do more good than harm with your chosen natural high blood pressure treatment.
Getting to Know your Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is not a common vitamin taken alone in supplement form. Rather, it is typically combined in small amounts with other B vitamins to form a vitamin B complex formula. Found in dairy products as well as shellfish, meat and fish, vitamin B12 in your diet helps sustain healthy red blood cells and nerve cells. In addition, this water soluble vitamin is an essential component for making DNA in your body cells.Strict vegetarians and the elderly are at risk for having a vitamin B12 deficiency. Vegetarians and vegans who consume no animal products whatsoever will require supplements for healthy body function as would the elderly as they may not consume all the necessary foods required to get enough vitamin B12. A very small percentage of the population may develop vitamin B12 deficiency because they cannot absorb this vitamin through the digestive tract. In all cases, supplemental forms of vitamin B12 are necessary.
Ins and Outs of this Vitamin
It is interesting to note that vitamin B12 contains a rare element called cobalt and some of the vitamin’s basic structure relies on bacteria for biosynthesis. Most plant-based foods do not contain vitamin B12 but animal products provide you the vitamin because the animals typically ingest foods “contaminated” with the bacteria that help produce vitamin B12. This is why vegans and strict vegetarians must supplement their diet – because they do not consume the animal products which contain vitamin B12.
This vitamin latches onto proteins in the food you consume. Once the food hits your stomach, the hydrochloric acid breaks up the food for digestion and releases the vitamin B12 from the protein. From there, the vitamin binds itself onto a glycoprotein secreted by the stomach which makes it more absorbable in the intestines so your body can benefit from it.
Daily Requirements
One of the reasons why vitamin B12 deficiency is so rare is because the human body has the capacity to store a few years’ worth of the vitamin. Therefore, if you are not diligent about this vitamin consumption, your body stores make up for it. However, you must be able to consume animal products like meat, dairy, fish and shellfish in order to maintain vitamin B12 levels. The elderly, vegans and vegetarians must choose foods fortified with vitamin B12 if they are to maintain healthy levels of the vitamin without suffering ill effects of deficiency.
Based on a 2,000 calorie diet, the average adult must consume at least 2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 for best results. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should consume between 2.5 to 2.8 micrograms. Most animal life from the sea you eat such as clams, fish, caviar, mussels, crab and lobster easily contain more than enough vitamin B12 in one serving. Eggs, cheese, milk, chicken breast, yogurt, liver and lamb are additional resources for consuming vitamin B12 naturally. Of course, you can choose breads, cereals and other whole grain products which are fortified in the vitamin to meet the daily requirements if you do not consume animal products.
Certain birth defects along with anemia and dementia can occur if enough vitamin B12 is not absorbed in the body. Double check your diet and add nutritional supplements accordingly when you are lacking in certain vitamins like B12.
Study Indicates Cranberry Juice Does Not Interfere with Two Antibiotics Women Take for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infecract Infectionstions
About 50 to 60 percent of women are diagnosed with a urinary tract infection (UTI)at least once during their lifetime. Many experience multiple recurrences. Cranberry juice, a popular home remedy for UTI, is often taken along with low-dose antibiotics as a preventive measure. Because little is known about the potential of cranberry juice to interact with drugs, NCCAM-funded researchers at the University of Washington studied cranberry's effects on two antibiotics frequently prescribed for UTI: amoxicillin and cefaclor.
The data showed that cranberry juice did not significantly affect either antibiotic's oral absorption or renal clearance (i.e., how completely the body processed the drugs in the intestine and kidneys). Absorption took somewhat longer with cranberry juice, but the delay was small, and the total amount of antibiotic absorbed was not affected.
Based on these results, the researchers concluded that cranberry juice cocktail, consumed in usual quantities, is unlikely to change the effects of these two antibiotics on UTIs. They noted that the same may or may not be true of other antibiotics, or when people who take antibiotics also drink a large quantity of concentrated cranberry juice.
Quercetin Useless For Boosting Endurance?
For the recent study, researchers had 30 healthy men consume a sports drink containing 250 mg of quercetin four times a day for up to 16 days, while a placebo group drank the same beverage without quercetin. Results showed that the short-term quercetin supplementation failed to improve cycling performance and the ability of muscles to synthesize energy.
Naturally occurring in berries, apples, black tea, and onions, quercetin has been found to fight allergies in test tube studies. Preliminary research suggests that quercetin may also help keep cholesterol in check, curb inflammation of the prostate, and prevent flu. However, these findings remain to be confirmed by larger studies.
Vitamin C May Boost Babies' Brain Health

New research shows that running low on vitamin C may hamper mental development in newborn babies.
In experiments on newborn guinea pigs, scientists discovered that animals with a moderate vitamin C deficiency had significantly worse spatial memory than guinea pigs fed a normal diet. What's more, the C-deficient animals had 30 percent fewer neurons (nerve cells) in the hippocampus (a region of the brain involved in forming, sorting, and storing memories).
About five to 10 percent of newborns in Western countries may suffer from vitamin C deficiency, the study's authors estimate. Since vitamin C deficiency may play a role in the development of learning disabilities, the authors add, it may be advisable for high-risk pregnant women to take a vitamin C supplement.
An antioxidant abundant in citrus fruits and juices, strawberries, tomatoes, and leafy greens, vitamin C has also been found to protect against gum disease and the common cold in previous studies.
Yoga for Aching Backs
The study focused on 90 adults who suffered from mild to moderate functional disability resulting from low back pain. For 24 weeks, the study members either took twice weekly, 90-minute yoga classes (with a focus on poses that targeted the low back) or underwent conventional medical care. When the 24 weeks were up, the yoga-practicing participants were found to have less pain, less functional disability, and less depression than their study counterparts.
Past studies show that acupuncture, chiropractic care, and the Alexander Technique may also help ease low back pain.
Melon Extract May Lessen Stress

New research suggests that an enzyme extracted from melons may help ease stress and fight fatigue
For the study, researchers focused on 70 healthy adults (ages 30 to 55), all of whom experienced stress and fatigue on a daily basis. For four weeks, the study members took a daily supplement of superoxide dismutase (a melon extract with antioxidant effects) or a placebo capsule filled with inactive starch. Study results showed that volunteers assigned to the superoxide dismutase supplement had significant improvements in symptoms of stress and fatigue (including difficulty sleeping, irritability, and poor concentration), as well as in their quality of life.
The study authors suggest that superoxide dismutase may help offset oxidative stress (known to occur when free radicals overwhelm the body's ability to neutralize them), which could in turn lessen psychological stress and stave off fatigue.
Other natural approaches to stress relief include undergoing massage therapy, practicing yoga, and performing deep-breathing exercises.