Spirulina is a food supplement for human and animal consumption that is cultivated all over the world. It is generally used as a supplement for humans, and it is available raw or in the tablet form.
In some parts of the world where it is used more it is even available in the flake and powder forms.
Spirulina is generally found in subtropical lakes, which contain high quantities of potassium, carbonates and bicarbonates.
So why is there a sudden craze for Spirulina? Well, it’s not so sudden. People have been using Spirulina for ages. The Aztecs used it as a nourishing condiment after drying it.
Other Mesoamericans used Spirulina for healing stomach infections and stomach diseases. In the year 1970, for the first time a large Spirulina plant was built near Lake Texcoco.
The reason why Spirulina is being used on a daily basis by people all over the world is because it contains anything from 50 to 80 % protein, as well as essential amino acids. These amino acids can be compared to the value of those in meat, eggs and even milk.
It is more nutritious than most vegetables! It also contains Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, Vitamin C, D and E. You’d think that’s all that a tiny strand of algae can hold, there is so much more inside it. It contains essential minerals like potassium, calcium, which are all great for the human body.
Over the years, people have begun to realize the medical properties of Spirulina. It is said that it can even help prevent heart damage brought about by chemotherapy which uses Doxorubicin, without affecting the anti cancer functionality.
It is also believed to reduce the severity of strokes, and to enhance the recovery process after a stroke has occurred. Also, it helps reverse age related memory loss and hearing problems. It has medically been proven to aid the treatment of hay fever as well.
Other medically proven benefits include aiding the process of healing keratosis and melanosis which occurs when one has chronic arsenic poisoning. It also helps treat anemia of HIV infected and HIV negative children who have nutrition problems.
During a medical trial the Spirulina proved over a period of 2 months sizeable reduction in cholesterol levels and increased blood pressure stability. The group took 4.5g of Spirulina every day, and it was found that their total cholesterol dropped significantly, their HDL Cholesterol increased, and their triglycerides were lowered as was their general blood pressure level. Lastly, Spirulina has been clinically proven to be effective in Rhinitis, which can lead to a condition called chronic sinusitis.
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