When are you most vulnerable to fatigue? There are a lot of different factors that influence women’s energy, affecting stress levels, sleep, metabolism and more. If you employ some different tips and tricks, you may be able to combat fatigue and even recharge your internal batteries so that you feel revitalized each day with mental alertness even in the late afternoon. And being able to get a good night’s sleep is a good possibility too.
Lighten and Wake Up
While sleeping late may be a good idea on the weekends or your days off, this ritual can actually upset your internal clock, throwing off your circadian rhythms. Your hypothalamus gland helps set your sleep and wake cycles so if you go to bed later and/or sleep late, you body will want to reset itself. It is important to wake up at the same time every day, preferably around sun-up when possible. Bright light will help your hypothalamus gland reset your body to a normal daily routine and beat fatigue.
Reduce Carbohydrates and Increase Protein
Carbohydrates may provide some energy to you initially but they end up slowing you down in the long run. Healthy carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables are quite beneficial. It is the starchy carb-rich foods however that presents a problem. Any flour-based products such as pasta and bread can make you feel sleepy and less alert during the day. Boost protein instead to beat fatigue. Protein is the building block of muscle and therefore, fuels your body. Lean meats, cheese, milk and eggs are just a few of many examples of protein.
Delay Drinking Coffee until the Afternoon
Coffee is a stimulant and has caffeine which hinders adenosine, a chemical which induces sleep in the brain. Early to late afternoon, most people lag mentally and physically because this adenosine is being produced in the brain. Drinking coffee in the early to late afternoon will block this brain chemical long enough for you to get through dinner so you can go to bed on time. Drinking coffee in the morning means the caffeinated effects will wear off long before you really need it.
Reduce Stress
Reducing stress is easier said than done when it comes to busting fatigue in women. While long meditation sessions can help, shorter time-outs throughout the day are more beneficial. Whether it is just a few deep breaths, imagery or simple body stretching exercises, your body will boost endorphins at each mini de-stressing session. Choose a quiet area for your sessions because interruptions are not only a hassle but they will divert your attention away from reducing stress.
Avoid Naps When Possible
Afternoons, particularly an hour or two after lunch, can be quite tiresome. Energy dips and your body craves sleep because it is just a few hours away from bedtime. Instead of indulging in a long nap or even a power nap, take a walk, run an errand, make a phone call or even daydream for a few minutes. Physical or mental activity will brush away the cobwebs so you can function without fatigue until bedtime. You will have to practice this before naps or nodding off are a thing in the past.
While bright lights and activity such as exercise will help you avoid fatigue by day, getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best fatigue busters for women. Do not drink alcohol or caffeine before bed as these can stimulate or depress your brain cells, preventing you from relaxing and preparing yourself for bed. Choose darker, quieter activities such as reading a book or soaking in a hot tub. Avoid bright lights from the television and computer screen.
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