Acupuncture for weight loss is an effective approach that can yield excellent results for many people. The weight reduction program should be catered to the individual. An acupuncturist develops the specific system of body points to include as well as the pattern used in the treatment.
Various points on the body correlate to internal body systems. The ear is among the most important points for weight reduction and patients can expect this area to be an integral part of their treatment plan. Other points correlate to the problems that cause weight gain.
Sources of Weight Gain
In order to treat the weight condition properly, it is necessary to determine the source of the problem. Consider some of the possible contributing factors that may lead to extra pounds:
· Pinpoint the stomach system when the individual eats excessively, even after he is full.
· Focus on the mouth for a person who eats compulsively to address the oral fixation.
· Ovary is for women with hormonal imbalances leading to weight problems, and adrenal for men.
· Thyroid addresses slow metabolic rates.
Less obvious body systems can also interfere with a person’s ability to maintain a health weight. Acupuncture for weight loss may include:
· The endocrine system helps relieve water retention as well.
· The spleen helps create hormonal balance and it balances sugar levels in the body.
· The lungs are important for helping people overcome food addiction, including sweets and chocolate.
Anxiety and Weight Loss
Anxiety can be a major barrier for individuals who are tying to lose weight. Diets fail to address the psychological factors that may contribute to obesity. Acupuncture for weight loss often uses the Shemen, a system that alleviates anger, insecurity, frustration, and stress.
An acupuncturist also includes points that alleviate hunger for people who feel the sensation of hunger when their bodies do not actually need nutrition. Appetite suppression is a common intervention in acupuncture. Combined with anti-anxiety methods, the approach is very effective for emotional eaters.
Individualized Treatment
The acupuncturist selects the most important points for the individual. There may be two or more points used in the treatment. Factors that the practitioner may consider include:
· The person’s age
· Eating habits
· Emotional state
· Psychological factors
· Stress levels
· Personality
· Lifestyle
· Types of foods
· Other habits
The practitioner may notice that an individual tends to talk excessively, smokes, and bites her nails. The person seems to have an oral fixation, making the mouth an ideal point to include in the treatment.
A menopausal woman who is under considerable stress can benefit from treatment that focuses on the ovaries, kidneys, spleen, and endocrine system. Shemen would also be of great benefit for this candidate.
Acupuncture for weight loss is best when the acupuncturist creates an individualized plan that addresses the patient’s specific eating problems. With consistency, the approach should alleviate the problem, creating an environment that is conducive to weight loss.
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