If you have just been diagnosed with hypertension aka high blood pressure and your blood pressure readings have not reached dangerous levels yet, you just might be a candidate for natural high blood pressure treatment. Basically, a natural treatment means that there are no prescribed pharmaceutical medications. It is important though to consult with your doctor to make sure that any natural high blood pressure treatment you follow will not do more harm than good.
Most medical doctors concur that once you start on the road of blood pressure medication, you are typically on it for life. Therefore, if you catch hypertension early, a natural blood pressure treatment, or a combination of them, just might be able to lower your blood pressure readings and avoid prescribed medications. Not only will you obviously save money but your health will improve as well. Natural treatments can take many forms; some are proven methods while others are just now becoming popular and proven to make a difference for many people with hypertension. Here are five natural treatments to control high blood pressure:
1. Lifestyle changes – The first natural treatment for hypertension is one that your doctor will actually prescribe. Change how you live your life! If you smoke, find a way to quit. If you drink, lower your intake and drink only in moderation or not at all. Follow a sensible diet such as the DASH plan which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Incorporate an exercise plan slowly into your daily schedule until it becomes routine.
2. Health supplements and herbs – The Chinese have known for thousands of years that herbs can help cure certain conditions and alleviate others. Today, many people look to garlic, one of the most popular condiments and herbs to help reduce blood pressure. Garlic can be eaten, taken in pill form or even in a powder. This pungent herb helps thin the blood to allow better blood flow and therefore better oxygenation of the organs, which in turn helps lower blood pressure. Hawthorne, fish oil caplets, and Coenzyme Q10 are additional supplements that may also help.
3. Ayurvedic medicine – As a natural high blood pressure treatment, more people are looking to this type of medicine which tailors your treatment based on body type and health, also called a dosha. High blood pressure may manifest itself in different ways so dosha molds a treatment for your specific symptoms. This plan institutes a variety of natural treatments such as yoga breathing exercises as well as a plan of special herbs along with a low-salt and low-fat diet.
4. Managing stress – Hypnotherapy, biofeedback and massage therapy are just a few natural high blood pressure treatment options that help relieve stress and manage it. Some experts believe it is important to balance your entire self, not just the physical symptoms, in order to tackle hypertension. Focusing on mind and body relaxation techniques such as yoga, meditation and other relaxation methods can reduce stress and therefore blood pressure.
5. Chinese medicine – Chinese traditionalists believe all treatment should be focused around your core circulation of energy in the body, known as qi or chi. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that when qi is disrupted, hypertension is the result. Incorporating different herbal concoctions and acupuncture are just a few Chinese practices gaining ground as a natural high blood pressure treatment.
Popularity for natural treatments to control high blood pressure is at an all time high, thanks to a sharper focus on health as well as the high cost of hypertension medications. When you decide to try a natural high blood pressure treatment, always consult with your doctor. If you are currently taking medications for other health conditions, you could have certain allergic reactions to some types of herbs or the herbs could negatively magnify the potency of the medication. Being well-informed is important so that you do more good than harm with your chosen natural high blood pressure treatment.
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